Has God been doing something in your heart, and it feels like something way different?
Have you felt the drawing of the Holy Spirit to do more, but you know, for some reason, it isn’t going to be only at your local church?
Then we believe that He could be CALLING YOU OUT!
Where Are You Right Now?
Some Christians are content to attend church every Sunday, sing a few worship songs, pay their tithes at offering time, listen to an inspiring message, and go home to live out the rest of the week on their own. That is not a bad thing, but If this is you, we would like to offer you a challenge in addition to your church attendance.
Some Christians have been feeling “Called Out” of the land they are so familiar with and feel like there is something more. They have participated in all the church programs and attended conferences and events, but still feel restless…as if God is trying to lead them somewhere different. Is that you?
Some may have already left the brick and mortar church for various reasons. Some have fallen away, some have felt as if they have been walking alone in a desert, and some have started their own ministries and are doing their best to do whatever the Lord is leading them to do. Is that you?
You are not alone, and God is about to do something beyond amazing in 2020!
Bringing Back the Church of Acts
Acts 20:20
You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house.
God’s timing is perfect, and HE has been preparing YOU for this year! This next move of God is not happening in spectator mode in a large building, it is going to happen out there!
YOU have everything it takes to be a minister and, with no other motive than to FOLLOW HIM and do what He commands you to do, YOU will be sent out. If this is resonating with you, then you are who we are talking to and who this website was built for.
Hint: This website will be evolving into a fully capable SEARCH site!
Now open up your heart and listen to what the Spirit is saying to you…
What’s Missing?
In the church of Acts, the Apostles went city to city setting up house churches and meeting Believers in public.
Jesus started with twelve disciples that He lived life with for three years and then they went out teaching people to do life together and created more disciples that did the exact same thing.
What changed? When was the last time you made a disciple? When was the last time you shared the Gospel with an unbeliever? Wouldn’t you like to? Aren’t you feeling like that part is missing from your walk? Is there any conviction from the Holy Spirit that He wants more from you?
We want to help equip you, empower you, and send you out!!
The Vision
Today, with social media, the internet, and millions knowing the Gospel to greater degrees than any of the Believers that led churches during the first century, we can take this ACTS model and make disciples like we never could.
This website will act as a FUNNEL to potentially grow millions of small house churches and small group discipleship programs around the nation by providing a place for them to be found. The leaders will have the mindset to raise up disciple makers that can start their own ministries, versus growing that one body cell to un-relational proportions.
How Can YOU Be Part of This Initiative?
On the fully functional website we will be presenting the ability to SEARCH! Christians across the nation can find CHURCH GATHERINGS and special FREE EVENTS near to their home.
We need YOU to BE the BODY of JESUS!
Can you communicate? Have you ever had a few friends over or hung out with people? Then with the Holy Spirit living on the inside of you, you can be used in ways you never imagined! You weren’t made to “watch” church, Jesus sacrificed His life so you could BE THE CHURCH. HIS TEMPLE. HIS MINISTRY.
Positions Within This Organization
On our fully searchable site, we will be offering FREE profiles to five main ministry groups:
House Church Leaders – Whether you have already been involved with house church or feel called to start a house church, we want to help people find you
Life Group Leaders – Are you a leader of a home group or life group at your church? We believe that Life Groups are the BRIDGE from addition to multiplication! Do you have a hobby that you could build a group around? We want to help you share Jesus with people who like the things YOU like!
Intercessors – Are you a prayer warrior and want to use this gift to further the Kingdom? We want to connect every prayer warrior in the nation and coordinate local prayer initiatives!
Worshipers – Do you play an instrument or sing praise and worship? You could connect with other worshipers and create worship events! We want to give you opportunities to use your talents for the Lord!
Place Givers – Do you have a place that could host a Christian event? This could be an office conference room, a barn, a large plot of land, a baseball field, anywhere people could gather to worship! We will eventually be capable of scheduling events that people will be able to find on the website!
The fully functional website will allow anyone using the website to search for Christian Gatherings around the nation. Christian Gatherings YOU have created! This website will empower Christians everywhere to coordinate public events or open their homes and lives to the people around them.
What’s the Catch?
So, here’s the catch to your ministry being shared on the No Ulterior Motives website… you can’t ask for compensation from anyone to further your ministry. THERE IS NOT ONE PERSON IN THE ENTIRE ORGANIZATION RECEIVING COMPENSATION.
What is Our Ulterior Motive?
Aren’t you going to eventually ask us for money or sell products that will financially benefit you?
We don’t need your money to continue this initiative, but there will be a giving arm, because we believe in OUTREACH. It is a non-profit organization we are creating called The Central Storehouse. 100% of funds donated will be used for OUTREACH and small operating incidentals… NO SALARIES OR COMPENSATION!
We will be offering promotional products that is offered by a third-party fulfillment house that is not associated with anyone in the organization. Every penny of profit from the sell of these products will go directly to The Central Storehouse and nobody involved with the organization will benefit financially in any way from the purchase. The organization will be extremely transparent so that anyone investigating can see how much came in and how much went out and to what! How do you like those apples?
We want to continue this No Ulterior Motives message to help the needy around the world. Our focus will be on feeding the hungry, providing water to people who don’t have access to healthy water, delivering women from sexual trafficking, and supporting Israel in various ways. We will be sharing more on this non-profit as this initiative develops.